Responsible Use Policy

As a condition of your use of, you agree you will not use this service for:

  • You will not use, or attempt to use, the Kommunikate Service to send any unsolicited messages.
  • You will not use, or attempt to use, the Kommunikate Service to send any telemarketing messages.
  • You will only use the Kommunikate to send messages to your group members who have requested that you send them automated voice and/or text messages.
  • You will not use, or attempt to use, the Kommunikate to convey any information that may be considered unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, obscene, hateful, offensive, harmful, vulgar, distasteful, defamatory, indecent, objectionable, or invasive of another person's privacy or proprietary rights.
  • You will not use, or attempt to use, the Kommunikate in connection with any junk messages, spamming or messages that are duplicative or unsolicited in nature.
  • You will not send, or attempt to send, messages to emergency lines, to any health care facility or similar establishment, to numbers assigned to radio common carrier services or to any service for which the called party is charged for the call.
  • You will not transmit, or attempt to transmit, any material that may infringe the contractual, fiduciary, intellectual property rights, or other rights of third parties, including trademark, copyright or the right of publicity.
  • You will not impersonate, or attempt to impersonate, any other person, falsify contact information, misrepresent a relationship with any person or entity, including misrepresenting a relationship with Kommunikate, or otherwise attempt to mislead others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of a message.
  • You will not resell, or attempt to resell, the use of the Kommunikate service without express, prior written consent from Kommunikate.
  • You will not collect, or attempt to collect, or store information about the Kommunikate service or other Users, including contact information, without their consent.
  • You will not interfere, or attempt to interfere, with or disrupt connections to the Kommunikate service or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such connections.
  • You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Kommunikate service, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Kommunikate service, through password/PIN mining or any other means.
  • You will follow the letter and spirit of the terms of this User Agreement and all applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.
  • You agree and Kommunikate retains the right, at its sole discretion, to determine whether or not User's conduct is consistent with the letter and spirit of this User Agreement. Kommunikate may immediately terminate User's accounts if User's conduct is found to be inconsistent with this User Agreement.